Equity Impact Circles

Equity Impact Circles


Christi Lee


Equity Impact Circles

Program Description

"Changing the Chatter" to Advance Equity in Charlotte

Equity Impact Circles (EICs) are the primary tool CBI uses as we work to increase both the understanding and advancement of equity in our community. Using TED Talks and other content as a jumping-off point, participants learn to exchange perspectives, ask questions, and articulate ideas. EICs are intended to support people to learn and use a common “equity vocabulary,” help them develop an “equity lens” to analyze community issues, and guide them toward action as they work to build a more equitable and just Charlotte-Mecklenburg.


Groups of 8 - 12 people gather over 5 - 6 weeks to develop and strengthen relationships, and engage in deepening dialogue about equity and how it – or the lack of it – appears in our community. EICs are ideal for both intact groups like work teams, corporate affinity groups, or book clubs, and for assembled groups from across sectors or organizations. If you would like to bring an EIC to your group or work team, contact Christi Lee.


Equity Impact Circles are intended to:

  • Broaden the community of people who can utilize an equity lens in exploring community identity and issues. 
  • Build relationships among community and organizational leaders through shared learning about equity.  
  • Deepen the commitment to CBI’s mission to “Wake Up – Interrupt – Step Up” and build the will and skill to respond.




More about The Equity Project and the Origin of CBI's Equity Impact Circles:

Our Main Coordinators

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    “The Equity Impact Circle was very valuable to me in helping me to see the bigger picture of the racial divide in Charlotte/Mecklenburg. I knew it existed and have always considered myself unbiased, but hearing first hand of experiences and listening to new perspectives has helped me to see where I still need to continue to work on my own views and spread that work to others.”

    Sustaining Sponsors